Thursday, March 2, 2017

4 Simple Ways to Boost your Self-Confidence

"Confidence comes from being prepared."-John Wooden, admired basketball coach

Here are 4 simple ways to boost your self-confidence:

1. Be prepared. Don't be the boy scout without a backpack, the basketball team that didn't practice or the student who didn't study for a test. When you prepare for a task, you gain self-confidence! 

2. Be kind and generous. Being a giver is a great way to boost your self-image. It helps you to feel good about yourself which does wonders for your self-confidence. 

3. Stay away from Debbie Downer. This could be difficult to do, but try to be more positive and spend less time with those who only bring you down. 

4. Make a list of things you're good at. I call it my awesome list. Post it somewhere you can refer to it often. 

Please comment on something on your awesome list!

Monday, February 6, 2017


Strength: the emotional or mental qualities necessary in dealing with situations or events that are distressing or difficult.

I've learned a lot these last few weeks about strength. No, I didn't enter a weight-lifting competition nor did I run a marathon. For those who do not know, I lost my dad this January. At the age of 92, he lived a good long life and had been waiting for, in his words, the Dear Lord to take him, for years. All of his working years were spent laying tile, on his hands and knees through achy joints. In his later years you could hear his knees creak, as they were his originals! He raised four daughters, all of whom played softball and he played catch with us in the backyard well into his forties. When he could no longer squat to catch our pitches, he would stand, but he still played, always there for us. He worked hard so that he could send all four of us to college, pay for our weddings and save for retirement. Although in his later years he needed help to stand, walk and care for himself physically, he persevered. When his mind forgot our names or what he had eaten for breakfast, his body fought on. He was a strong man. Yet, his strength is not what prompted me to write today.

I am writing about strength today because of my mother. Seeing her handle his death with strength made me realize that she too was a rock in our family. When my two older sisters were younger, in the 1950s, she stayed home and took care of the family. By the late 1960s-early 1970s, they had added two more girls to the family, so they did what they thought was best for us all, my mom went to work! My parents made it work this way-my dad worked days and my mom until late at night, so that we were never alone. Some of my fondest memories are my dad coaching our softball teams. He was there for almost every event that we had. I never thought too much about my mom having to work afternoons. I'm sure she must have hated missing our games and events, but I never remember her complaining. Just as she never complained in my dad's later years, when she was sole caregiver of her husband with physical ailments and dementia. She was strong. She did what she had to do. Again, as when she went to work when we were kids, she worked hard to do what was best for her husband. When the time did come that she needed help, she was still his biggest advocate. With in-home caregiving and then finally at the nursing home, NOTHING got by her in the way of his care! She was on top of every detail and not afraid to let someone know when she saw something that she did not like. Strength!

My mom wanted my dad's services to be perfect and perfect they were. I sat next to her as I tried to sing the hymns that she chose, through tear-filled eyes. All I could think was, "how are you singing?" She could sing because she is strong. She knows that he is in a better place and that she will see him again.

My mom and her four daughters.

Strength to you all!       

Please comment about someone you see as strong and why.              

Thursday, January 12, 2017

5 Ways to Feel and Look Ten Years Younger

Wrinkles, memory loss, aching joints, bad eyesight, gum recession. Inevitable signs of aging? I'd like to think NOT! Let's fight Father Time every step of the way. We can start with these five ways to feel and look ten years younger!

1. Cut out sugar. I've done this before for at least 90 days and can say I felt great! I've slowly let sugar creep back in, but need to go cold turkey again. Its inflammatory properties leave your blood sugar out of whack which leaves you tired, mentally confused and overweight. High blood sugar levels cause a process called glycation which damages collagen (the building blocks of the skin) leading to wrinkles and saggy skin. Glycation also makes your skin more vulnerable to smoking and UV light.

2. Adjust your diet. Eat your way to more balanced hormones by eating more good fats such as fatty fish, quality oils, veggies such as kale and broccoli. Eat more protein, the beauty food! Add organic eggs, chicken, almonds, chia seeds and goat cheese. Protein rich meals control blood sugar levels and weight, increase energy and muscle mass. Protein helps fight depression and mood swings. Add more anti-oxidant rich fruits, vegetable and olive oils for wrinkle-free skin.

3. Smile more. Be positive! The joy will shine through your face and skin. Have more fun, laugh more, make someone's day!

4. Stay active. Exercise is essential for heart health and gives us good posture and skin. It increases blood flow to the skin and nourishes skin cells.

5. Pay attention to areas that give away your age. Eyes, hands, neck and chest. Every time you treat your face, also treat your problem areas. Use a separate eye cream for the delicate skin under your eyes. Cleanse, tone and moisturize your hands, neck and chest.

These are just a few ways to look and feel ten years younger. If you have another tip to share, please leave a comment!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Ignore the Pigeons

Recently I listened to a training video where my biggest takeaway was this: Ignore the Pigeons!

 We all know what pigeons do. They get into trash, eat scraps and inevitably end up flying over and pooping on you. In life or in your business, they are those people who are always negative and poo-poo everything you say or do. They will bring down your confidence and belief in yourself in a single "yah, that's not gonna work". It can be really hard to get fired up, ready to kick butt, only to be pooped on by people you thought were your friends. Guess what, they're not.

So, what is the answer? Ignore the pigeons! Don't go near the pigeons. Find the EAGLES instead! Surround yourself with positive people who will help you soar. Find the cheerleaders, helpers, honest, good people in your life and hang out more with them! It sounds easy enough and I know it is harder to do, but give it a try!

Please tell me in the comments how you deal with the pigeons in your life.

Friday, December 9, 2016

5 Ways to Learn to Trust in Yourself

The word confidence can be defined as trust. Therefore, self-confidence could be thought of as trust in yourself. If you ever feel as if you're lacking a trust in yourself, here are five ways to learn to trust yourself.

1. Eliminate the people in your life who use you or don't want you to succeed. I listened to a training call recently, where the speaker called these people pigeons. The only thing these pigeons want to do is poop all over you! Get rid of the pigeons in your life and find more eagles. You know who the eagles are, the opposite of the pigeons!

2. Commit to yourself. Keep promises to yourself. Take a walk, see the doctor or join that gym. Do the things you told yourself you were going to do!

3. Treat yourself with kindness. Lose the negative self-talk. If you wouldn't say it to someone else, "You're too fat, you're too thin, you're not pretty, you're so stupid," don't say it to yourself!

4. Be sure you're making your own decisions. Of course, there are those whose advice you respect, but in the end, do what feels right to you!

5. Have the courage to follow your heart. Intuition and that inner voice are rarely wrong.

I hope these tips help out. Please post other ways you've learned to trust yourself in the comments. 

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Hello and welcome!

Hello there!

Thank you for taking a peek at my first blog post. I would like to tell you a little bit about myself and what I hope to bring to others through this blog. I really don't know where to begin, so I'll give you the short version and we can get to know each other as we go along!

I'm Sue Souza. I am a wife and mother of two grown children. I was a dental hygienist by trade until a recent move took my husband and I from the Chicago area to southeastern Alabama. I wasn't sure that I wanted to continue in the dental field and decided I'd use this opportunity to reinvent myself. A friend of mine introduced me to a virtual skincare company and I began using the products and stepping well outside of my comfort zone in sharing with others and speaking in groups. What the products have done for my skin is amazing, but more than that is what they have done for my confidence and personal growth. I feel that I do more than sell the latest face cream, I change people's lives by helping them get rid of acne, scarring, dark spots, wrinkles or sensitive skin. I help families have choices. Parents can make money and stay home if they choose, working around their own schedules.

I chose this blog title, The Confidence Zone Blog, because it, to me is precisely how I hope to help others, by getting people to step out of their comfort zone and into their confidence zone. This blog will not be all about my skin care products. I want to delve into topics that will help us all be more confident in our own skin. (pun intended?) Topics such as, removing the negativity from our lives, getting out of your comfort zone, exercise, health, trying new things, building others up, facing your fears or dreaming about the future.

Please comment below if you have a topic you'd like me to cover that will help you get to your confidence zone. Thank you!